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In 4 days Gaby will be 2!!!! Naturally she has no idea what an exciting occasion it is, but I am getting really excited about her party - and of course about the fact she'll be a whole year older! I think things are in order for her birthday party - well as far as planning goes! Who knows if everything will actually go according to plan! So far our guests are:
Nana Joyce
which I think is a pretty good number - it isn't like Gaby is going to understand why everyone is getting together, but it'll be a nice way to get the family together!
Today we went down to Horseshoe Lake before preschool & went for a bit of a walk. Gaby really isn't too sure about those Ducks!!!! She is okay when they aren't close to her, but when they're all chasing after her & crowding around, she does not like being on the ground!!! A bit like her Mama I think!!!!!
This week Serena & I took Gaby & Josh to the beach for a bit of fun in the sun. Gaby had a blast - she loved the water and running around on the sand - she actually thought the sand tasted pretty nice too!!!!!! Josh & Serena stayed the night & Gaby and Josh had a whole tonne of fun playing together. They were VERY loud, which was kind of cute, but I think a volume control would have come in rather handy!!!
I guess this could potentially be the last entry for this blog - because next Sunday Gaby turns TWO & I plan on making a new blog, all about being two. This past year has been an amazing one, on many levels - Gaby has gone from saying a couple of words, to saying hundreds of words. From being very unsteady on her feet to running & jumping. From sleeping in a cot, to sleeping in a big girl bed. Of course there have been many other changes, but they are some of the ones that stick out to me!

Her party is in a week today - I've decided that rather than make her a cake in the shape of the number 2, I'm going to make her a cake in the shape of a Tiger face!!! I found a 'pattern' in the Australian Womens' Weekly Birthday Cake Book (which Mum has had since me & Terri were little), so hopefully it shouldn't be TOOOOOO hard to create!!! I don't know yet how many people are going to be there, I think around 15 at the most though. The only other kiddy that is going to be there is Josh, so I am not going to worry about party games & the like - just some finger food & a cake & we'll be set!!!
She finally seems to be over her ear infection/s, which is nice - she's a lot less grizzly, and obviously not in any pain! Almost felt as though the ear infection just wasn't going to go away. Amazing how much difference there is between Grumpy Gaby & Happy Gaby!!!!
My little monkey is going to be the next Milo covergirl....
"I eat Milo everyday, it helps me
maintain my youthful essence" Yesterday morning she came & gave me a kiss, with a mouth covered in chocolate... She had had a biscuit so I presumed it was that - although those biscuits have never made THAT much mess before... and they smelt strangely like chocolate. I cleaned her up & then about half an hour later, same thing - mouth & hands covered in some weird chocolatey thing. I turned around and looked in the kitchen............. and found the milo container lying on its side, with a dusting of Milo all around it, and Milo-looking handprints on the cupboard the Milo goes into!
"Milo gives me the spark I need
to make it through a busy day" Yes, my little angel had gotten into the Milo & had been eating it 'raw'. She was very sticky - was rather challenging trying to clean it all up!!!!!! I figured I could either hit the roof, or find the humour in the situation. I chose the humour option. And took a couple of photos along the way.
Gaby 2 years ago!
37w6d pregnant - still 4w1d to go!Yesterday was September 26th - meaning that now in under a month, Gaby will be TWO! So in the next 4 weeks or so I'll be winding up this blog & starting a new one, for her third year of life!!!! At the moment Gaby has an ear infection - since Monday she hasn't been eating much & has been particularly grizzly - then on Thursday she was feverish, so I took her to the doctor & voila, an ear infection. Crazy thing is that on September 26 2007 I took her to the doctor for the same thing - almost EXACTLY a year to the day that she went this year! Antibiotics & Pamol seem to be doing the trick though, she seems to be happier today, but I can imagine that it won't last ALL day (heck, why would I be THAT lucky!).
Up to absolutely no good!
Got her weighed at the doctors the other day & she weighs 29lb13oz/13.5kg - over 3x as much as she weighed at birth (8lb4oz/3.7kg) - so obviously she is growing as she is meant to be! I plotted the weight on a growth chart & she is in the 88% for weight, but I have no idea about height - because she hasn't been measured since about 15 months, but I'm thinking she's going to be around 85cm, give or take... Certainly growing like a weed!!!
future tattoo artist/enthusiast?
She has started being a lot more active outside, running around on the lawn, kicking balls & chasing Baldrick (at Nan & Poppa's), it's a lot of fun chasing her around - good exercise for both of us! I am trying to decide whether to get personalised invites made for her birthday, or to just buy a packet of invites - I think I MAY just buy the packet of invites, getting personalised ones made is going to be more expensive than buying a pack & some stamps.... But I will check trademe incase they have some on there - that is where I got her personalised ones last year, but don't seem to be able to find them now!!!! FINALLY took on the task of sorting through her drawers & getting rid of the clothes that are too small... will probably put them on trademe I think, try to earn a few extra buckeroonies! Didn't realise just how many clothes she has - I'm rather ashamed to admit some of the clothes in her drawers were size 0 - for 6-9 months! Obviously those clothes are a little small now.. It was mainly vests - because they seemed to be fine, up until about 2 months ago. I
t's really windy right now & Gaby is fascinated with looking out the window, watching the trees blowing around & all the blossoms etc flying off the trees... It's a little scary for ME, I feel like such a woosy - considering my 2yo daughter is laughing! She's one tough lass!
Gaby is rather excited because next month (for her birthday) she'll be seeing 'Gammie' and 'Arfie' (Grandma & Arthur) - they haven't seen her since early November 07 - so will almost be a year by the time they get up here, I wish my car was more reliable so I could go down and visit them with her, it'd be a nice break! Maybe I will go down during summer.... if I get rich & can afford all that petrol!
For me one of the biggest indicators of a child moving from (Jean) Piaget's 'sensori-motor' stage (0-2) to the 'pre-operational' stage (2-6), has been the appearance of a child's imagination... & evidentally my little girl is making the transition from sensori-motor to pre-operational!
The past few days Gaby has been saying things &/or doing things which show that her imagination is coming out of its shell.
The first thing I really noticed was when we were leaving Mum & Dad's house & she said "going to go in the truck" - when obviously I drive a CAR, not a truck
The second thing - Gaby kept telling Kai the other night that she was going to "go in the plane"
The third thing - yesterday Gaby was pushing her toy dolphin around on the car saying "brmm brmm" - ie she was using the dolphin as a car
And the forth thing - just this morning Gaby got my handbag out of my room, put her shoes on, went to the door & told me she was going to the 'smarket' (supermarket). I told her we needed bread, milk & vegemite & she said "Okay" then waved goodbye to me!
Just had to share, because I think it is really fascinating!
Food time @ Will's birthday party
Gaby fitting right in! On Saturday Gaby was invited to Will's 9th b/day - she had a blast playing with the 'big kids' - and I think a favourite for Gaby was the wonderful spread that Aunty Sally provided! It was quite cool seeing Gaby playing with Will, Livi, Geordie & Max - they seemed to all get along pretty well, and Gaby took a particular shine to Will!!!! Hopefully they'll all come to Gaby's birthday party next month!
Gaby sitting between Will & Livi
As per usual - language - WOW, Gaby is talking so well now! She can usually get across what she's trying to say, by saying a whole bunch of words - takes a couple of seconds to piece it all together, but once you've got it - well, you've got it! I'm sure that soon she's going to be able to count to five! She can count 1 2 3 - and then will say 5 - so we just need to learn number 4 & I'm sure she'll get it all together properly! It's such a fun time of her life, all this learning she's doing - she's so clever!!! Also makes me feel pretty good too, because I know I'm part of the reason she is doing so well (but I can't take all - or even most of the credit!)
Gaby, Max & Geordie playing with the carsGaby is verrrrrry clever! She can now do forward rolls ALL by herself!!! I was very surprised to see her get down on her hands & feet, put her head on the ground & then roll forward! I haven't really shown her how to, and she has only done one forwards roll at gymnastics! Managed to get her doing it on webcam so Aunty Terri could see - and needless to say, she was very proud of Gaby!
My lil Homey-G(aby)
I haven't consciously thought "right I will plan Gaby's 2nd birthday party" - but I'm doing it anyway! Terrible I know - her b/day is still 6 or 7 weeks away, but I guess I can't help feeling a little excited about it!!!!!
We're going to have an afternoon party at Mum & Dads, on the Saturday (day before her b/day), I'm going to invite mostly family, but some friends as well. Being that it's Labour Weekend, I'm picking that some people are going to be away, but hopefully we'll have a decent turn out! Probably just have a few nibbles, and spend time outside - but it'll be nice to catch up with anyone. As for her cake, I'm going to make it in the shape of the number 2, like I did last year (in the shape of a 1 obviously), will put some coloured icing on it & then I think I might put little marshmallows around the outside of it, seeing as Gaby likes marshmallows - thanks to Aunty Terri!
I am really amazed, the past THREE days Gaby's language has suddenly become really clear!!! She is using her words a lot more when she wants something, rather than whining or grizzling. She came out this morning & told me "hurts", when pointing to her arm, whereas this time last week she'd have been grizzling & I'd have no idea what the problem was! She also told me yesterday that her ear was sore!
Yesterday Samara (who I haven't seen since around 2003!) came and visited for half an hour, with her little girl - Jaiden (2 1/2). Gaby & Jaiden were a little quiet around each other, but by the end of it they had started warming up a little. Gaby kept trying to hug her, but Jaiden wasn't very keen - don't blame her! Felt very weird to see one of my high school friends - and both of us are parents now!
Big breakthrough as far as the potty/toilet training goes - last night Gaby wanted her nappy off so she could sit on the toilet to do wees. She didn't do wees, but pretended to, and even wanted toilet paper to wipe herself. Very cute. Hopefully the first tinkle in the potty or toilet isn't too far away!!!