Yesterday was September 26th - meaning that now in under a month, Gaby will be TWO! So in the next 4 weeks or so I'll be winding up this blog & starting a new one, for her third year of life!!!! At the moment Gaby has an ear infection - since Monday she hasn't been eating much & has been particularly grizzly - then on Thursday she was feverish, so I took her to the doctor & voila, an ear infection. Crazy thing is that on September 26 2007 I took her to the doctor for the same thing - almost EXACTLY a year to the day that she went this year! Antibiotics & Pamol seem to be doing the trick though, she seems to be happier today, but I can imagine that it won't last ALL day (heck, why would I be THAT lucky!).
Up to absolutely no good!
Got her weighed at the doctors the other day & she weighs 29lb13oz/13.5kg - over 3x as much as she weighed at birth (8lb4oz/3.7kg) - so obviously she is growing as she is meant to be! I plotted the weight on a growth chart & she is in the 88% for weight, but I have no idea about height - because she hasn't been measured since about 15 months, but I'm thinking she's going to be around 85cm, give or take... Certainly growing like a weed!!!
She has started being a lot more active outside, running around on the lawn, kicking balls & chasing Baldrick (at Nan & Poppa's), it's a lot of fun chasing her around - good exercise for both of us! I am trying to decide whether to get personalised invites made for her birthday, or to just buy a packet of invites - I think I MAY just buy the packet of invites, getting personalised ones made is going to be more expensive than buying a pack & some stamps.... But I will check trademe incase they have some on there - that is where I got her personalised ones last year, but don't seem to be able to find them now!!!! FINALLY took on the task of sorting through her drawers & getting rid of the clothes that are too small... will probably put them on trademe I think, try to earn a few extra buckeroonies! Didn't realise just how many clothes she has - I'm rather ashamed to admit some of the clothes in her drawers were size 0 - for 6-9 months! Obviously those clothes are a little small now.. It was mainly vests - because they seemed to be fine, up until about 2 months ago. I
t's really windy right now & Gaby is fascinated with looking out the window, watching the trees blowing around & all the blossoms etc flying off the trees... It's a little scary for ME, I feel like such a woosy - considering my 2yo daughter is laughing! She's one tough lass!
Gaby is rather excited because next month (for her birthday) she'll be seeing 'Gammie' and 'Arfie' (Grandma & Arthur) - they haven't seen her since early November 07 - so will almost be a year by the time they get up here, I wish my car was more reliable so I could go down and visit them with her, it'd be a nice break! Maybe I will go down during summer.... if I get rich & can afford all that petrol!
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