Sunday, November 25, 2007

1st day of preschool!

Today Gaby is having her first session of preschool! I decided that it was time to put her in some form of childcare, for a few hours a week. She's getting to the age where she NEEDS social interaction, and it is also getting to the stage where *I* need a bit of a break. She is going to Ready Steady Play in Burwood, for 8 hours a week - 9-1 Monday & Tuesday.

She didn't seem too sad to see me going this morning, which made me feel okay about leaving her there. When I left she was partaking in some water play & riding around on a little bike - I think she's going to have too much fun exploring to be sad about me not being there!

... that all said, I feel a bit lost without my little shadow!!! I am looking forward to 1pm when I get to bring her home!

Gaby is 13 months old today! Wow, time just flies SO quickly!!!!!