Friday, July 4, 2008

my little girl is in a big girl bed!

On Wednesday I decided (for some reason) that it'd be a good idea to convert Gaby's cot into a toddler bed! So all by myself I took down the cot (took only half an hour to figure out how to get the slidey side out!!!), then put it back up, minus the sides! The end result looked a little something like this:the first night in her big girl bed went FINE! She woke up at 7am - around 45 minutes earlier than usual, but as Mum said to me, she's probably waking up at that time anyway, but in her cot she'd go back to sleep. The first day of naps were a different story. I had to sit with her to get her to sleep for the first nap, and the second nap - well, it was a battle of the wills, and Gaby won. Yesterday I got her a bed rail - and her nap yesterday afternoon went fine - straight to sleep, so we'll see how her naps are today! Hopefully the bed rail makes her feel a little more secure & less like getting out!

She seems to be getting sick again, which is a bit of a bother - the cough is coming back, as is the snotty nose. I think she's teething though, so that probably doesn't help at all! We'll keep up with the cough medicine & Pamol this weekend, but if she's getting worse by Monday, I'll defiantely be taking her to the doctor! I guess being at preschool she is a lot more susceptible to all the little bugs going around, so it's probably to be expected that she'll get sick. Heck, it IS winter as well - everyone gets sick!

What else is new in Gaby-land? Not much REALLY... She's plodding along, making me laugh & testing my patience all in the space of 2 minutes. The terrible twos are certainly here - or very much on there way (I hope it doesn't get worse, but I think it will!!!!). She's now 20 months, 1 week & 2 days old - getting closer & closer to that big 24 month mark! I'm starting to think about her birthday present, I think I might get her some Duplo or Mega Blocks, but then, there are just so many cute toys around, she'll probably end up with a few things!

Gaby was lucky enough to get a box of clothing from Aunty Terri yesterday! She got new pants, sweatshirts, pyjamas, socks, shoes & a gorgeous purple jacket! In the box was also a video of Gaby as a little bub!!!! I made it for Grandma, but when it came time to put it on a video, we realised the cord we needed wasn't there! But Terri's flatmates have the right cord, so FINALLY it is on video! I plan on getting it made into a DVD soon, and then giving others a copy! It was weird watching it, thinking that she started out as a couple of cells - and that the first time I saw her (ultrasound) she was 6.3cm long! Even weirder to think she lived in my belly for 42 weeks!!!! & now she's this big, boistrous, adorable, sweet, cheeky toddler!
12w5d ultrasound

39w6d pregnant, 2w1d before Gaby arrived20 months, 1 week old!

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