She seems to be getting sick again, which is a bit of a bother - the cough is coming back, as is the snotty nose. I think she's teething though, so that probably doesn't help at all! We'll keep up with the cough medicine & Pamol this weekend, but if she's getting worse by Monday, I'll defiantely be taking her to the doctor! I guess being at preschool she is a lot more susceptible to all the little bugs going around, so it's probably to be expected that she'll get sick. Heck, it IS winter as well - everyone gets sick!
What else is new in Gaby-land? Not much REALLY... She's plodding along, making me laugh & testing my patience all in the space of 2 minutes. The terrible twos are certainly here - or very much on there way (I hope it doesn't get worse, but I think it will!!!!). She's now 20 months, 1 week & 2 days old - getting closer & closer to that big 24 month mark! I'm starting to think about her birthday present, I think I might get her some Duplo or Mega Blocks, but then, there are just so many cute toys around, she'll probably end up with a few things!
Gaby was lucky enough to get a box of clothing from Aunty Terri yesterday! She got new pants, sweatshirts, pyjamas, socks, shoes & a gorgeous purple jacket! In the box was also a video of Gaby as a little bub!!!! I made it for Grandma, but when it came time to put it on a video, we realised the cord we needed wasn't there! But Terri's flatmates have the right cord, so FINALLY it is on video! I plan on getting it made into a DVD soon, and then giving others a copy! It was weird watching it, thinking that she started out as a couple of cells - and that the first time I saw her (ultrasound) she was 6.3cm long! Even weirder to think she lived in my belly for 42 weeks!!!! & now she's this big, boistrous, adorable, sweet, cheeky toddler!
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