Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Gaby - my friendly little munchkin!

the cheerful little Gabsta

I am back at university for semester two - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Gaby has preschool, but they couldn't give me the hours for Thursday. I posted an ad on the treasures forum & a lady replied, saying she was a PORSE (in home care) Educator, off on maternity leave - and she lives really close by, and that she'd be more than happy to take Gaby.

She has a 15 month old son - Ashton - and is currently pregnant & due on August 25th with a little girl. I was a little concerned that this would mean there would be weeks she couldn't care for Gaby - but the legend that she is, she has said the only chance of disruption is if she's in labour on a Thursday - and if that's the case her Mum will be having Ashton - & she doesn't mind having Gaby too!!! I am happy with the arrangement - more than happy, because Gaby gets one-on-one contact with another child, a similar age, she will become more adaptable to other people watching her - and she's also going to get to experience having a newborn around!!!!! Obviously a little brother or sister isn't in Gaby's near future, so I'm glad she's going to have interaction with a little little bubba!

Today she had her first 2 hours with Kylie & Ashton - and it went really well! She did get scratched by the cat, but I'm sure the cat was more than entitled to do that... Sounds like she enjoyed playing with Ashton - when I got back he was in bed, Kylie said Gaby had tired him out... sounds about right to me!

Cutest thing happened after I'd picked her up - we went to The Naked Baker so I could get some lunch, and there was a little girl - maybe 3?, she walked over to Gaby & said hello - and then they started holding hands! Cutest cutest thing ever. They walked around the bakery together - and even had a little kiss! Ahhhhh so sweet. Obviously if she was older it'd be a bit of a worry, but it was a safe environment (well as safe as it can be when strangers are involved!). Gaby had a smile on her face the whole time, so I know that she didn't mind one bit!

I can't remember if I mentioned last time, about Gaby's EXPLOSION of words? Every day there are new words which blow me away - last night she was talking about the stars for instance! Other new words: orange, yogurt (yogot), Jim (ie my Grandad Jim!) - ummm, there are lots more too, but they are the first that come to mind. She's also started stringing more words together, which is really exciting - she can say "it's stuck", "more please" - once again there are more, but they are the ones that come to mind first!

It's really amazing - and a little overwhelming, how much she is developing right now. Every aspect of her development seems to be taking off!!! Her behaviour is also changing, which I suppose is normal when other facets of her development are changing - and I am finding it a little hard at times to cope with it, and to not let it get to me. I have to remember that when he is 'naughty' she isn't being 'naughty' just for the sake of it - it's all about testing limits & becoming more independant - and I have to try to allow that to happen, but at the same time, give her some sense of what is appropriate & what ISN'T appropriate....

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