Monday, April 28, 2008

One more tooth...

Finally, one of Gaby's eye teeth has started cutting! Yay!!! Hopefully the others aren't far behind, and then we can have a break from this teething nonsense! Poor thing, you can tell she's so uncomfortable - chewing on her fingers, on flannels, not to mention being verrrrry very grumpy!!!

Last night Gaby was in bed - and asleep - by 6pm! She obviously had a huge day at preschool, to be that tired so early! Poor thing. She probably could have been in bed even earlier than that, but I didn't want her waking up at 5am!

Food seems to be something we're having trouble with right now - she just doesn't want to eat anything, except for cheese!!! I might make some ricey stuff tonight, hopefully she'll eat it!

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