Friday, April 25, 2008

18 months old today!

At 1.01am today, Gaby was officially 18 months old! WHERE the hell has time gone? She has changed so much in 18 months, it really is amazing - and I wish there was some way to record every single second of it - so that I could play back those early days and remember how tiny she was, the cute little things she did back then, and watch her development - from that tiny baby I brought home from the hospital, who pretty much only ate, fed & pooed - to this gorgeous 18 month old who can tell me what noise a motorbike makes, tell me what sound a cow makes, put her socks on......

She does seem to be getting cheekier & cheekier with each day that passes - as I type this she is tipping water from her sippy cup, onto the floor. It's only water. It won't stain. She certainly knows when she's doing something she shouldn't be - she'll look at me (or anyone!) and wave her finger at them while saying "no", it's too damn cute & it makes it so hard to actually stop and get her to stop what she's doing. She's copying ALL of our language - mostly good words, but some bad words! At Mum & Dad's on Thursday, we were leaving the house, when she quite simply puts her hand up to her mouth & says "Oh shit!". WHAATTTTTT? So now we are making a huge effort to keep our language 'clean' around her - although we were trying to do that anyway, obviously not hard enough though.

Gaby got to see her Aunty Terri over the last couple of days, which I think they both enjoyed a lot! Terri & her friend were going up to Auckland for a concert, and they were flying out of Christchurch - so we were lucky enough to have a few hours with Ter! Terri got lots of cuddles and cute behaviour - I think Gaby enjoyed having someone new to show off to! On the way back from the airport last night, Gaby seeemed to have Terri & her friend very impressed with her language skills - repeating lots of words they said. It was Terri who taught her how to say "brmm brmm".

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