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my little lunatic
Gaby was in a very crazy mood earlier this morning! Everything she did made her laugh - and made ME laugh. She kept climbing on me, kissing me, squealing, pulling clothes off the chair - to name but a few things. Toward the end of her little crazy-girl-mood, it was getting a bit old, possibly because I was trying to tidy the lounge, and she was making it near impossible! It reminded me a lot of Terri when she used to get hyper on Brown Sugar. Note to self: Gaby is no longer eating Porridge with Poppa.
her new favourite accesory - Kai's hat!
The little poppet continues to amaze me more and more each day. The last week she's REALLY become a little person, as opposed to a baby or infant - when she talks in her little protolangauge, you can tell that she's having a real 'conversation', and what she is saying has meaning. New words this week include 'light' and 'Gaby', along with 'biscuit' and 'baby'... What next? Every word I say she seems to try and copy, so I'm making an effort to be a bit more careful with my choice of language I am using, and also to use language properly. Y'know speak real proper like.
"Yes Mummy, I'm sound asleep"
... a photo taken when Gaby was meant to be asleep in bed last night
(it looks like the light is on, but that's the flash)
In 3 days we leave for the start of our journey to Hong Kong. Friday after Kai finishes work we're heading down to Temuka - where we'll stay with Deb & Mark. Saturday we will make our way down to Dunedin - where we are going to stay with Sue & the girls. Sunday we are going down to Gore (of all places), so that Kai can pick up some parts for his car - so I'll use this as an opportunity to stop in & visit Teresa, Josh & Bryce! Sunday we'll be heading back to Dunedin - and Kai will be making his way back to Christchurch. Monday - well, Monday is D-Day. At approx 5pm we get on a plane & leave for Hong Kong - via Christchurch & Auckland! I am nervous about how Gaby is going to be on the plane, but I'm going to try not to worry about it. I can't control what is going to happen, so no point stressing about it! I wonder if Gaby will realise that she's going on a PLANE!?
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