Monday, June 23, 2008

A happier Gaby this week!

My sleepy girl, giving 'Moo' some love

Thank goodness Gaby seems to be over the worst of her virus. We (finally) got a diagnosis of 'viral bronchitis' last week, from a doctor who was a LOT more professional, friendly, compassionate & reassuring (thank god!). He told me I was doing everything I should be, and that all I could do was to let it run it's course. Around Saturday/Sunday she started getting a bit more Gaby like, and I don't think she's coughed so far today! Doctor said it'd last 7-10 days & he was spot on!!!

The only good thing to come from her illness, was all the cuddling she did!!! It was like having a little little bubba again... sometimes we'd sit for half an hour cuddling, it was lovely. She also slept a lot, which was a nice little bonus for me, allowed me to recharge my batteries a little!!! But that said, I'd have preferred a not-sick Gaby!!!!!!

Back to her normal cheeky self!

She's started stringing words together the past week or so - she has started saying "in the car" & "where's ____", there are others too, but my Mummy brain can't think of them right now!!! When we were waiting for Kai today after he'd gone into a building, Gaby kept saying "where's Kai?" - so cute - so CLEVER!!!!!

On Monday I went to the Christchurch Steiner School for a 'special character talk'. I am very interested in Gaby going to a Steiner school, it seems like such a nurturing environment for a child - & teenager, their philosophy concentrates on encouraging 'head, heart & hand' - the 'heart' aspect being the spiritual/creative/inner being of the child. I really like the ideas they promote. If you want to read more about Steiner, I will put a link on my links list!! I have to take the application form into them ASAP so she can get on the waiting list. Yes - the WAITING LIST! Gaby's year group is already full up! I don't mind so much if she doesn't go to Steiner for Kindy, but really really hope she can go for her primary & secondary schooling.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Gaby is feeling a bit better

my not-so-sick monkey

Yay Gaby is feeling a little better today!!!! She still has her yucky cough, BUT she is a bit happier, is eating & drinking - and basically running amuck!!!! What a relief. She did get tired pretty quickly after she'd had breakfast, but not as bad as yesterday

Sunday, June 15, 2008

more teeth & a virus

Gaby now has teeth 15 & 16 to add into the mix!!!!!! Hopefully that is it for a few months? I have no idea when her next ones are meant to pop through though, so who knows, maybe this teething gig will last longer. Oh well, we're both pretty used to it by now!!!!! She looks so adorable with a full set of teeth (from the front view) - so grown up, and certainly not baby-ish. I was looking at her baby photos where there is a gummy grin, rather than a toothy smile - amazing what difference those little white toothy pegs make!!!

my very un-Gaby-like virus infected baby girl

Sadly, the Gablet is sick at the moment. Poor baby. Went to the doctor last night & he said that she has a 'virus'. I hate the word 'virus' - I think it is really code for "I'm a doctor & I can't be bothered taking the time to check your daughter over properly, because she's screaming and it is annoying". Phht. So she is having her first nap of the day - after being up for a little over an hour! She's off her food, not drinking much & has a nasty chesty cough. The cough worries me a bit to be honest, if it gets worse I'm going to take her to my regular doctor, I know that he will take the time to examine her properly & to reassure ME!!!

One positive from her being sick, is that she's VERY cuddly!!!!! I don't get too many long cuddles these days, there is always a teddy to go play with, a tower to build, or a ball to throw around - but last night and today, cuddle cuddle cuddle. Love love love!
I'm hoping this virus won't last too long, it's sad seeing my baby girl so un-Gaby-like!!!!!!!!!